Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Good News/Bad News

The good news is that Chris's cancer markers have gone down for the past few weeks.  The bad news is that the CT scan showed that the tumors on the lymph nodes and pancreas have grown a bit.  What is unclear is when the tumors grew.  We know that the tumors were growing in May when the last CT scan was taken, which is when Chris's chemo treatment was changed.  There was a delay originally to get him on the new treatment and then we delayed again between the second and third cycle to go on our trip so it is possible the tumors grew a bit more at that time and that the current chemo is actually doing good now.  The doctor decided to keep Chris on the current chemo treatment and compare the tumors again in a couple of months as long as he is still doing well. 

Chris had chemo today for five hours at the cancer center and again has the pump infusing a chemo for the next two days.  He did well, sleeping actually through the whole thing today due to the Atavan they gave him before the chemo to control any possible nausea. He has been doing great this evening, taking it easy and eating some real food for dinner.

Again, thank you to all you prayer warriors out there!  We were really encouraged to see over 100 'likes' on Facebook and the comments when we put out our specific prayer request on Monday.  It really means a lot and we are humbled by all of your support!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Thank You! :-)

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes, especially leading up to Chris's CT scan today.  Scan and blood draw were taken and we find out the results tomorrow when we go in for chemo.  One of us will update the blog tomorrow. ;)
