Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Birthday to My Love!

Today is Chris's 45th birthday! It has also been one year today since his diagnosis. What a year it has been!  Cancer, chemo, teaching, working, loving, socializing, school, Aikido, Girl Scouts, gymnastics, church, family, friends, MLK Day volunteering, Seahawks, Super Bowl XLVIII, New York, Marriage Retreat, Singles Retreat, Baltic Cruise,  Seaside, honoring our firemen and police for 9-11, pumpkin patch and corn maze, Leavenworth, ER, surgery, Sounders, hope, faith, prayer, celebrating Chris...his strength of character is amazing and I admire and love him so much.

Cancer doesn't define us, it just is. No regrets.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Some Good News

We are at Chris's second chemo appointment since starting the new regimen.  We just saw the oncologist and had a great conversation so I wanted to share. First, Chris had not had a fever again since getting the second course of antibiotics after the ER visit last weekend. Second, Chris has gained back two of the five pounds he lost since he got the infection that put him in the hospital a couple of weeks ago. Third, he ate solid food for dinner on Monday night, which hasn't happened for a while. Fourth, he didn't need a nap on Monday and was pretty energized in the evening, even having just had chemo a few days before. Fifth, he has reduced his pain medicine during the day. The oncologist says these are all good signs the chemo is having a positive effect. Keep praying!

The other thing we are doing today that is new for Chris is getting a blood transfusion. His red blood counts are low, making him anemic, which for a cancer patient means they need to get some new red blood cells through transfusion. Chemo kills all fast growing cells and Chris's red blood cells have fallen a bit behind in growing new ones to replace what is affected by the chemo. The good news is that this should also give him more energy. We may have time to get two units today but if only time for one today then he'll get a second tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow anyway to get his white blood cell booster...that comes in the form of a shot, rather than a transfusion.  That is what allows his immune system to fight off colds etc (and to be around kindergarteners all day!).

Second chemo treatment starting in T-30 minutes...

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Looks Like We're Going Home

All of the tests they ran tonight have come back negative so it looks like we're going home soon! I think we're ready...

Chris will be on another 7 days of antibiotic to further treat the infection in his gall bladder. We will talk to his oncologist on Monday to make sure nothing else should be done at this time.  But overall, Chris is looking a lot better and his temp is lower since he had the additional antibiotic tonight.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Chemo and Fever Updates

So I was just going to update everyone about how chemo went but now I get to write about the latest fever as well.  Chris started gem-abraxane on Thursday and like always, was a total trooper.  He didn't experience any side effects during or after, other than fatigue.  The 'funny' part was that he was given his normal dosage of Ativan in case of nausea before his chemo actually started on Thursday and he ended up having to ride in a wheelchair down to the car.  What we didn't realize was that this chemo treatment took only half the time that the past two chemo treatments took.  So we were done in about 2 and a half hours instead of 5.  The Ativan makes him very sleepy so right when it was peaking was when they were all done with him.  When we got home, he went right to bed and had a great night's sleep.  They upped his pain meds at night because he has a lot of back and stomach pain usually around the middle of the night.  With the Ativan in his system and the new level of pain meds, he had the best night's sleep that he had had in a long time.  Friday night's was good too.

He taught his class on Friday and had a good day though by the end of the day, he was pretty fatigued.  He slept about 12 hours Friday night and woke up Saturday feeling pretty good.  We had a low-key day and watched the Harry Potter movie marathon all together for a while. 

About 5:30 I noticed he was running a bit hot so we took his temperature.  It was around 101.  I called the on-call oncologist as anytime his temperature is above 100.4 that is what we are supposed to do.  Apparently lower-grade fevers can be just a by-product of the cancer.  The oncologist called in a new prescription for the same antibiotic that Chris was on for seven days following his discharge from the hospital a week and a half ago.  But he also said that we would need to go to the ER if Chris's fever hit 102.  Unfortunately it did go up to 102 around 8pm so I called the doctor back and he did tell us to head to the ER.  Chris and I are there now...he is getting the full work-up again.  We were hoping they would just put him on the antibiotic again, send him home and see what happens.  Chris didn't have a fever during the time on the antibiotic and just finished it yesterday so there is talk that he needs a refill.  But just to be safe, which is a good thing though we were hoping it would be a quick visit, they did a chest x-ray and are doing blood work in the lab from two different draws tonight.  We really hope we get to go home tonight but there is always the chance they will admit him just to watch him.  We'll see in a couple of hours or so.

So what I thought would just be a quick update about how well the chemo went has turned into our second ER visit story.  Hopefully all is well as can be with his gall bladder and I will keep you all updated as we progress.  Thanks as always for your love and support, prayers and well wishes and comments on the blog for Chris.  Even though he has failed miserably at updating the blog, he still reads every post and every comment.  :)

With love,

Friday, October 10, 2014

Doing Better

Chris seems to be doing better after his time in the hospital with IV antibiotics and fluids and now having been home a couple of nights.  We did leave the hospital at almost 10pm on Wednesday night, after his last dose of IV antibiotics for the day.  After leaving the hospital, he was taking two different antibiotics to cover a spectrum of bacteria that may be part of his infection.  However, the culture that they took from the bile in his gall bladder during surgery on Monday revealed today that Chris has two different strains of E Coli bacteria that his body can't fight off and that are making him ill.  Both of the antibiotics that he was on were stopped and he got a new one that would work against these specific bacteria much more effectively.  He took his first dose tonight and hopefully will continue to feel better.

We went to SCCA yesterday and met with Dr. Harris.  They do not have a trial that Chris qualifies for currently but they are watching for one.  Dr. Harris agrees with Dr. Gold that the best thing Chris can do at this point is the third group of chemotherapies: gemcitabine and abraxane.  He starts on Thursday and will go back to his original schedule of two weeks on, one week off.  The abraxane will cause him to lose his hair but other than that, we expect the side effects to be similar to what he has already experienced. 

Thanks for everyone's help, well wishes and prayers. 


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Going Home?

The word this morning is that Chris may get to go home today.  He is a bit cranky in the hospital and it would be great to go home.  The nurse says that's a good sign that he's feeling better.  What they are waiting on is the culture of the bile they took from his gall bladder on Monday evening during his surgery.  There is a bacteria growing in it and they are waiting for it to grow enough to tell specifically what kind of bacteria it is and what antibiotic will be needed to treat it.  In the hospital, they are giving him two general I.V. antibiotics that covers a lot of bacteria but they want to get to the specificity of the infection before they release him.

We hope to still make the appointment with Dr. Harris at SCCA tomorrow to see what options exist in clinical trials.  If not tomorrow, then we will reschedule as soon as we can.  Our oncologist, Dr. Gold came to see us this morning, as he does every morning.  He is ready to start Chris on a new chemo cocktail if there are no trials that Chris qualifies for right now. 

The biggest risk right now is of his gall bladder bursting, similar to appendicitis.  A lot of people have asked us why they don't just take out the gall bladder.  I asked that question this morning...I figured, since they were considering surgery to insert a drain from his gall bladder to either his stomach or externally, that would all take recovery time as well so why not just take out the gall bladder?  The answer...there is too much cancer in and around the gall bladder and they can't cut through the cancer.  It doesn't heal like normal cells, for one thing, and Chris would probably bleed out.  The other risk, with any of the surgery options, is that there is a high likelihood that this would cause the cancer to spread.  Because of this, they are not going to do another surgery at this time.  We need to pray that his gall bladder doesn't burst and that the next treatment will shrink the tumors to alleviate the pressure on the organs. 

Miracles do happen and there is still a possibility that we'll find a treatment that has more of an effect on Chris's cancer.  Through all this, we take comfort in God's promises, like John 14:1-4, shared with us by good friends yesterday:

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” 

As always, thanks for your prayers, good thoughts, positive energy and support.

With love,

Monday, October 6, 2014

Back from Surgery

Chris's surgery went well. They were able to remove the two plastic stents that were put in back in August. They instead put in a metal stent that expands the bile duct more than the plastic ones do. They drained a lot of bile and sent some to the lab to test for infection. They will watch Chris for the next 24 to 36 hours so he'll be staying until at least Wednesday.  The oncologist and surgeon will talk tomorrow about a strategy to put in another permanent way to drain the gall bladder. This may mean another surgery on Wed. We'll know more tomorrow.

Thanks for all of the prayers, well wishes and offers to help! We appreciate it all so much.

With love,

Last Night's Adventure

Chris has been running a higher fever than normal since Friday night.  We were in contact with the doctors all weekend and they advised us to go to the ER last night, after trying two days of antibiotic at home.

After 6.5 hours in the ER, 500 ml of IV fluids, IV antibiotics, two sets of independent blood tests, chest x-ray, and another CT scan, they admitted Chris to the hospital at 1:30 am for the rest of the night. The ER doc consulted with Chris's oncologist and surgeon this morning and they have come up with a plan. They think the stents in his bile duct may be blocked. He is going to be scheduled for endoscopic surgery today to replace the stents - a procedure he has had previously.  We are all hopeful that surgery will confirm that the stents were the issue.
Chris will stay the night again tonight to make sure there are no complications from the surgery and to see how he does once the stents are replaced.  We are hopeful he will be able to go home tomorrow.  Needless to say, the Monday Night Football venue has been changed for the Soethes - Go Hawks! 
We have an appointment on Thursday at SCCA (Seattle Cancer Care Alliance) to meet again with Dr. Harris to see what clinical trials they have that Chris may qualify for at this time. We met with him at the end of last year to get our second opinion.  Our oncologist at Swedish, Dr. Gold, has referred us back to him as there are no trials at Swedish that Chris qualifies for currently.  I am so grateful doctors from different (and financially competing) institutions get to a point where they collaborate in the best interests of the patient! 
Thanks for your prayers!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

CT Results

Chris has not been feeling all that great in the last couple of weeks and has had a harder time sleeping, etc.  He gets through his day really well, as teaching and spending time with his friends at work causes the day to go by fairly quickly.  There may be an adrenaline boost or some similar effect.  But once he gets home, he has spent all of his energy.  We've adjusted and what helps is if he can take a nap right after he gets home...he'll then have renewed energy and focus to have quality time with the family.  The important thing is that we are making it work.  We try to make the best of the hand dealt us and there are still so many wonderful moments even in the midst of struggles. 

We went in for chemo today as well as to hear the results of his CT scan taken yesterday.  We were somewhat prepared to hear something different than what we've all been praying about as he has been having more pain at night, etc.  The cancer has grown again, in all existing tumor areas this time.  It is slow growing but means that his current chemo is not really working.  There are two options suggested for us by our oncologist at this point: to try a clinical trial if Chris can get into one or to switch to another chemo combo.  The clinical trial is a suggestion now because Chris is still pretty healthy and hardy in many ways.  He is a great candidate for a trial if he meets the criteria.  We have a call into SCCA to see what trials are going on currently that Chris might qualify for.  We can always do the other chemo combo if we don't get into a trial or afterwards. 

Chris didn't get chemo today, similar to last time the CT results indicated time for a change.  That is actually a good thing as you have to be four weeks out from your last chemo to participate in a trial and he is already two weeks clean.  Either way, we will have some new treatment in about two weeks.  I am hopeful that these extra two weeks will allow some of Chris's appetite to come back and that he feels better for a while.  At least he doesn't have to carry a pump around any more for 48 hours! 

Thank you as always for the cards, meals, well wishes and prayers...keep it up, Prayer Warriors!  We still have hope and faith though this isn't going the way we would have chosen at this time.  Chris has been a bit down lately and I just want to let everyone know that though he may not reach out and ask for it, he benefits so much from the encouragement and time with you that he gets. 

With love,

P.S.  We found out this week that our friend David Jeffrey, husband of friend Susanne Jeffrey, has cancer in his pancreas and bile duct as well.  We send out love and prayers to them and all of our other friends and loved ones that are struggling through difficult times as well.  Many of you that read and/or comment on this blog may be undergoing struggles of your own...thank you so much for how much you give regardless.