Sunday, March 16, 2014

Catching Up

I know Chris will be updating his blog soon but I wanted to catch everyone up on where we are at with treatments, etc.  Last Friday, Chris went in for endoscopic surgery again to replace the stent in his bile duct.  The first time he had this done was the day before Thanksgiving, and this was very similar but luckily he didn't have to stay the night in the hospital this time.  This time they put two stents in, side by side, so that they will drain more efficiently...picture a figure 8 inside a circle...the drainage can go through each of the circles as well as on each side where the indents are.  He should be able to go 6 months this time before needing a replacement stent, which is great. 

He was in and out of the hospital in 5 hours on Friday, though the actual procedure took about half an hour and he was grumpy to be there that long for such a short procedure.  It really had a lot to do with the fact he had to fast from the night before, he couldn't even drink water on Friday, so he was hungry and thirsty until about 6pm.  He was very grateful to not have to spend the night as he doesn't sleep very well in the hospital with the nurses checking on him all night long (not to pick on the nurses as they are great!) and the bed is always moving - they do that now so you aren't as likely to get bed sores when you are an inpatient for an extended time.  Unfortunately he didn't sleep well that night at home either.  He described it as his insides felt like someone had been poking around in them, which of course the surgeon had done when placing the stents.

On Saturday, Chris took on more than he should have and paid the consequences Saturday night and Sunday but he seemed to be feeling better by this evening after staying down all day today.  Tomorrow, on Monday, he goes in for his next CT scan after work.  We are praying that we'll get good news on Wednesday when we see our oncologist and hear the results of the CT scan.  If the cancer is not advancing or is shrinking, he will continue on the chemo regiment he is on now.  If it has started growing again, we will need to change to a new chemo and that is a big unknown for us.  While it is discouraging to be on chemo continuously and I know it is getting harder on Chris, the chemo treatment that he is getting now allows him to maintain a good quality of life and continue to work, travel, play, etc. with family and friends. 

We do want to thank everyone for the healthy meals that you've brought us as well as your positive thoughts and prayers as it is all making a difference!  The doctor has said that he has never seen anyone go through the chemo Chris has been going through for the last 4 1/2 months as well as and with as few side effects as he has had.  And though both Taigen and I have gotten the crud that has been going around, Chris has not...Thank you God!

Please keep up your prayers and positive thoughts and we will let you know what we hear on Wednesday.  Take care and love to all of you and your families!



  1. Thank you for the update … Chris is a trouper and so are you girls!
