Friday, October 10, 2014

Doing Better

Chris seems to be doing better after his time in the hospital with IV antibiotics and fluids and now having been home a couple of nights.  We did leave the hospital at almost 10pm on Wednesday night, after his last dose of IV antibiotics for the day.  After leaving the hospital, he was taking two different antibiotics to cover a spectrum of bacteria that may be part of his infection.  However, the culture that they took from the bile in his gall bladder during surgery on Monday revealed today that Chris has two different strains of E Coli bacteria that his body can't fight off and that are making him ill.  Both of the antibiotics that he was on were stopped and he got a new one that would work against these specific bacteria much more effectively.  He took his first dose tonight and hopefully will continue to feel better.

We went to SCCA yesterday and met with Dr. Harris.  They do not have a trial that Chris qualifies for currently but they are watching for one.  Dr. Harris agrees with Dr. Gold that the best thing Chris can do at this point is the third group of chemotherapies: gemcitabine and abraxane.  He starts on Thursday and will go back to his original schedule of two weeks on, one week off.  The abraxane will cause him to lose his hair but other than that, we expect the side effects to be similar to what he has already experienced. 

Thanks for everyone's help, well wishes and prayers. 



  1. Grateful that they were able to pinpoint what type of infection he had and that you know what your next course will be. Amen! Thank you for the update. Hugs to you all...lisa & greg

  2. My comment seems to have disappeared..I was talking about a source we once read which said to shave the hair off to indicate who is in control..not the cancer or chemos...and not wait..anyway bald is also happens with age..

    Good journey through these next chemos...Chris is amazing how he handles things around these nasty chemos.

    Love Dad

  3. I concur with your dad .... I can attest that bald is beautiful ; )) lisa (& greg )
