Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Some Good News

We are at Chris's second chemo appointment since starting the new regimen.  We just saw the oncologist and had a great conversation so I wanted to share. First, Chris had not had a fever again since getting the second course of antibiotics after the ER visit last weekend. Second, Chris has gained back two of the five pounds he lost since he got the infection that put him in the hospital a couple of weeks ago. Third, he ate solid food for dinner on Monday night, which hasn't happened for a while. Fourth, he didn't need a nap on Monday and was pretty energized in the evening, even having just had chemo a few days before. Fifth, he has reduced his pain medicine during the day. The oncologist says these are all good signs the chemo is having a positive effect. Keep praying!

The other thing we are doing today that is new for Chris is getting a blood transfusion. His red blood counts are low, making him anemic, which for a cancer patient means they need to get some new red blood cells through transfusion. Chemo kills all fast growing cells and Chris's red blood cells have fallen a bit behind in growing new ones to replace what is affected by the chemo. The good news is that this should also give him more energy. We may have time to get two units today but if only time for one today then he'll get a second tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow anyway to get his white blood cell booster...that comes in the form of a shot, rather than a transfusion.  That is what allows his immune system to fight off colds etc (and to be around kindergarteners all day!).

Second chemo treatment starting in T-30 minutes...


  1. Each of those things are so encouraging! Amen!

    much love,
    lisa & greg

  2. Thanks so much for posting these updates. I'm really glad to hear about the progress! We keep Chris in our prayers. Todd was really encouraged to talk with Chris at church a couple weeks ago.

  3. So glad to hear!! Yay, solid food, at last!!

  4. So glad to hear! Proverbs 15:30 Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart,and good news gives health to the bones.

  5. Chris- so glad to hear all the positive. Great Sounders game today! Did you make the game? Saw Jairo- told him to say hi to you.

  6. That's fantastic news! Keep the good news rolling! ~Jenny

  7. Hey Chris, it's always good to hear positive updates! Keep the healing going! Much love from your old friend-angi
